Azure CosmosDB System DateTime functions
Json does not have datetime data type, you need to keep the datetime information in string. This can be a problem for database engines specially if user needs to search by date or sort by date. Cosmos DB team introduced bunch of datetime functions to the Azure Cosmos DB database engine this month. You can read my older post about DateTime in CosmosDB if you like to know how Azure CosmosDB saves the datetime in documents. I will cover the new datetime functions in this post. Here is the list of the functions
DateTimeAdd |
DateTimeDiff |
DateTimeFromParts |
DateTimePart |
DateTimeToTicks |
DateTimeToTimestamp |
TicksToDateTime |
TimestampToDateTime |
DateTimeAdd(<DateTimePart>, <number>, <DateTime>)
DateTimeAdd function adds or subtracts given DateTimePart from the given datetime. Let's look at the available DateTimePart options.DateTimePart | abbreviations |
Year | "year", "yyyy", "yy" |
Month | "month","mm","m" |
Day | "day","dd",d" |
Hour | "hour","hh" |
Minute | "minute","mi","n" |
Second | "second","ss","s" |
Milisecond | "milisecond","ms" |
Microsecond | "microsecond","mcs" |
Nanosecond | "nanosecond","ns" |
Here is two examples for adding and subtracting datetimepart from a date. GetCurrentDateTime() is a Cosmos DB function which returns the current datetime just like GetDate() in SQL Server.
SELECT DateTimeAdd("mm", -1, GetCurrentDateTime()
) as oneMonthagoSELECT DateTimeAdd("dd", 2, GetCurrentDateTime()) as twoDaysLater
"oneMonthago": "
"twoDayslater": "2020-10-31T19:34:11.5452228Z"
DateTimeDiff(<DateTimePart>, <StartDate>, <EndDate>)
This function returns the number of the given DateTimePart between two dates. In the following example, I pass the current date and one month later date to the function. By changing the datetimepart, I can see how many days and hours between two dates.
SELECT DateTimeDiff("dd", GetCurrentDateTime(),
DateTimeAdd("mm", 1, GetCurrentDateTime())) as DaysDiff
SELECT DateTimeDiff("hh", GetCurrentDateTime(),
DateTimeAdd("mm", 1, GetCurrentDateTime())) as HoursDiff
"DaysDiff": 31
"HoursDiff": 744
DateTimeFromParts(<year>,<month>,<day>,[hour],[min],[sec],[fractions of sec])
This function returns a valid Datetime value. JSON documents do not have datetime type so return type will be still string.
SELECT DateTimeFromParts(2020, 11, 1) as November
SELECT DateTimeFromParts(2020, 11, 1, 20) as NovEightPM
"November": "2020-11-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"
"NovEightPM": "2020-11-01T20:00:00.0000000Z"
DateTimePart (<DateTimePart>, <DateTime>)
This function returns the value of the specified DateTimePart of the given DateTime
SELECT DateTimePart("mm", GetCurrentDateTime()) as ThisMonth
SELECT DateTimePart("hh", GetCurrentDateTime()) as ThisHour
"ThisMonth": 10
"ThisHour": 19
DateTimeToTicks (<DateTime>)
This function returns the specified DateTime to ticks.A single tick represents 100 nanoseconds. It will start the count from Jan 1, 1970. You can use the GetCurrentTicks() to use the current date to get the number of ticks.
SELECT DateTimeToTicks(GetCurrentDateTime()) as ThisMonth
SELECT DateTimeToTicks(DateTimeAdd("mm", 1, GetCurrentDateTime()) as NextMonth
SELECT GetCurrentTicks() as Current
"ThisMonth": 16040015633406700
"NextMonth": 16066801609470156
"Current": 16040019248312312
DateTimeToTimeStamp (<DateTime>)
This format is called Unix Timestamp. You can use GetCurrentTimeStamp() function to get the current Unix Timestamp.
SELECT DateTimeToTimeStamp(GetCurrentDateTime()) as ThisMonthInUnixFormat
SELECT DateTimeToTimeStamp(DateTimeAdd("mm", 1, GetCurrentDateTime())) as NextMonthInUnixFormat
SELECT GetCurrentTimeStamp() as CurrentUnixTimeStamp
"ThisMonthInUnixFormat": 1604069362568
"NextMonthInUnixFormat": 1606747734364
"CurrentUnixTimeStamp": 1604069268290
TimestampToDateTime (<Unix TimeStamp>)
You can convert Unix Timestamp to DateTime with this function.
SELECT TimestampToDateTime(GetCurrentTimeStamp()) as ThisMonth
SELECT TimeStampToDateTime(p._ts) as dt FROM Posts p
WHERE p.PostId = 9507
"ThisMonth": "2020-10-30T14:52:27.5490000Z"
"dt": "2020-10-30T14:22:17.1220000Z"
Comparing DateTime strings
You can compare datetime strings with quality and range comparison operators. Strings must be in ISO 8601 UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:fffffffZ)
SELECT ("2020-05-05T19:21:27.0000000Z" > "2020-09-05T00:00:0.1234567Z") as result
(GetCurrentDateTime() < DateTimeAdd("mm",1, GetCurrentDateTime())) as result[
"result": false
"result": true
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